Sunday, 12 April 2020

Malezya usulü sulu pirinç makarna @ Bihun Sup

Malezya usulü  sulu pirinç makarna @ Bihun Sup

Malzemeler :


- Yarım paket Vermicelli makarna (çağdaş/makroda satılır) 

- 2 tsp Zerdecal tozu

- 1  soğan

- 3 tane sarımsak

- Tavuk parçaları

- taze soğan





 - 1 tsp Tarçın Tozu/ 1 çubuk tarçın

- 1 tsp  Zencefil tozu

- 1 tsp Kimyon tozu


- 2 tane Karanfil

- 2 tane kakule

- 1 yıldız anason



- 4 tane sarımsak

- 1/2 acı taze biber

- tatlı/tuzlu soya sosu

- tuz



1. Vermicelli makarnayi büyük kaseye koyun ve ılık su dökün . 2 tsp zerdecal tozu ekleyin ve karıştırın. 20 dk sonrası suyu süzün. Zerdeçalsız da olur


2 .Bir tencerede tavuk  parçaları  suda kaynatın


3. Diğer tencerede yağ ısıtın.  Yarım soğanı blend yada rendeleyip , yarısı dilim dilim kesin ve sarımsakla beraber  tencereye ekleyin ve 5 dk pişirin


4.  A  malzemeyi ilk  karanfil,kakule, yıldız anason tencereye ekleyin. Sonra tozu olan A malzemeyi bir kasede az su ile karıştıp  5 dk pişirin


5. Tavuk suyu ve tavuk parçaları , taze soğan, maydanoz, baharatlar olan tencereye dökün ve 20 dk kaynatın


6. Sosu için , sarımsak ve biberleri blend yap yada rendeleyin  . 3 kaşıgı soya sosu ve tuzu ekleyin


7. Vermicelli makarnayi tavuk çorbası ve sosu ile servis edin .


P/s : 


- Pirinç makarnanın hepsini   tavuk çorba olan tencereye karıştırmayın cünkü yumuşar


- vermicelli makarna yoksa bildiğiniz makarnalar ve Pad Thai ile da deneyebilirsiniz


-  kakule  ,yıldız anason isteyene bağlı

- rendelenen soğan daha  fazla olsa daha güzel olur




Friday, 10 April 2020

Banana Chia pudding

Ingredients ;

Chia seeds
oat powder
Kaymak @milk cream

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe

 As i was craving for Starbucks PSL during this quarantine days, i decided to make it at home

Here are the ingredients :

1 spoon of Nescafe classic
1/2  t/s of ginger powder
1/2  t/s of  cinnamon powder
Half cup  of  hot milk
Half cup of hot water

Potato Yogurt Soup With Chicken/Beef ( Turkish Gaziantep Style) @ Antep Usulü Yoğurtlu Patates Yemeği



A cup of Yogurt
A cup of flour
1 Egg

Mints leaves/powder

1. Boil chicken breast/beef and keep the stock

2.  Cut potato into dices and boil with chicken stock

3. In one bowl , mix well (A)

4. Add chicken breast + boiled chickpeas  and cook for 5 minutes

5. Pour the yogurt mix A little by little into the  pot and let it boil

6. In a small pan, melt the butter /olive oil and put the chopped mints leaves/mints powder.  let it boil

7. Serve the soup with the mints sauce (B) on top of it

🌸🌸KarnıYarık @ Turkish style Stuffed eggplants@Mousakka 🌸🌸


4 small eggplants

Minced meat
1 Onion

(A) sauce
Tomato /chilli puree

1) Peel the eggplants' skin and cut a split in the middle

2) Fry the eggplants ,and put onto papertowels to reduce the oil

3 ) Fry onion, garlic, carliston pepper with little olive oil

4) Pour the diced tomatoes

5) Add the spices , salt, and let it cook

6) Add the minced meat and let it cook for 15 mins

7) Arrange the eggplants into a pan

8)  Fill the eggplants with the minced meat

9 ) pour A into the pan and let it cook for another 5 min

Malaysian style of spicy red chicken recipe ;D Ayam masak merah perantauan!

🌸🌸🌸Ayam Masak Merah



2 Onions (1 n half shreded+ half cut into rings) 

3 Garlic
5 Red fresh chillies
Chilli flakes
1 spoon of Biber salçası
Isot biber (opt.)
Cinnamon stick/powder

1) fry the turmeric salted chicken 

2) for the sauce,  shred the 1.5 onions and ginger with shredder if u dont have blender. Use lots of ginger for the taste as lemongrass not available  here

3) cut the red cillies into small pieces 

4) heat oil in a pot andy put shredded onions+garlics+ cinnamon+ cardamom+ cloves. Let it fry a bit

5) put the red chillies n fry for 5 min

6) add the chilli flakes + isot+ biber salcası , let it cook

7) add ring cutted onion

8) add the fried chicken n cook for 5 minutes

Salted Caramel's recipe!

🌸Salted Caramel Sauce

2 cups of sugar
Soda bicarbonate
A pinch of salt

1. Heat a pan and pour the sugar

2. Dont stir the sugar at the beginning!! Stir only when big part of it melted into golden
 colour + pour half glass of water

3. Add soda bicarbonate and keep stirring

4. Add butter and salt

If you have better caramel recipe let me know🥰🌸

Fluffy doughnut's recipe!

🌸Fluffy Doughnuts🌸


-3 cups of flour
-2 spoon of olive oil/butter/margarine
-1ts of salt
- 1 spoon of baking powder

p/s : can add milk powder too


1 packet of yeast
2 spoons of white sugar
2 spoons of concentrated milk  (opt.)
1/2 cup of warm water

1. Mix ingredient B and cover it for 15 minutes until it becomes bubbly

2.  Mix ingredient A. Pour  B into it and cover for 30 min until the size become double

3.  Knead the dough to remove  the foams

4. Shape the dough into the ring shapes

5. Let it expand for another 15 minutes

6. Ready to fry

7. Serve with icing sugar/chocholate spread etc❤️ afiyet olsun

Monday, 2 March 2020

2019 Ankara Ramadhan Notes

"Bizimle iftar gelir misiniz"? / "Can you have iftar with us please?"

Thats what written on poster in our hospital compound.
For those who are around Gazi Hospital, especially students you can have iftar in our school compound :) Mashallah there are volunteers who come here everyday to serve iftar especially for the patients' family who are waiting in the hospital compound and also the students. There are a lot of Iftar Çadır@Tents which distribute iftar for free in Turkey doesnt matter you are fasting or no everyone has their rights to get the food

Sejujurnya bulan puasa di Turki terutamanya di Ankara kurang feeling. Sebab makan minum di tempat awam pada waktu pagi,siang hari adalah perkara yang sangat biasa. Kantin sekolah juga beroperasi macam biasa. Sebab masih ramai daripada golongan masyarakat yang tidak berpuasa. Terutamanya di bandar besar seperti Ankara&Istanbul. Di bandar2 lain wallaualam.mula2 experience Ramadhan di sni. Terkejut juga. Lagi2 dengan bacaan dalam solat Tarawikh yang sangat2 laju. Kadang2 rindu sangat suasana ramadhan di Malaysia. Terawikh di masjid negara. Bazar ramadhan. Dulu selalu sangat bandingkan suasana ramadhan d Turki n d Malaysia. Tapi bila difikirkan balik kalau betul2 manfaatkan Ramadhan di sini, sangat best. Banyak sebenarnya peluang yang boleh dimanfaatkan untuk dapatkan balik feeling bulan ramadhan. Dengan join aktiviti2 Ramadhan di sini seperti iftar beramai-ramai bersama masyarakat Turki, sohbet dengan fakulti-mate,tadarus, dan banyak lagi program khas untuk Ramadhan . Seriously am gonna miss it a lot. 

Bir hocanın sözü

Fakulte hersey ogretmez. Daha ogrenmeniz gereken cok seyiniz var. Bitince artik hersey ogrendim diyemezsiniz. Kitabin kapagina kadar devamli okumak gorevinizdir. Okuma daha cok ogrenmeye gayret edeceksiniz.

28 Nisan 2019 

Son senem!

Guzel insanlarla takılınca, ve son seneye yaklaşınca ,açıkçası kendim memleketime donmek için hazır değilim. Ben Türkiye'ye özellikle Ankara'ya çok alıştım. Ve burdan ayrilacağımı düşünmekten üzülürüm. Özellikle bu sene öğrencilik sosyal hayatımı daha çok değerlendirmeye çalıştım çünkü fark ettim ki bu vakit geri dönemez. Bu sene mezun olacam ve Allah izniyle iş hayatımı başlayacam . Belki de Malezya'ya donmek için hazır değilim ama oraya varınca fark edeceğim ki başka yer kendim memleketim gibi olamaz ve ordan ayrılmami vakit gelince çok ağlarım Allah sabır versin bana . Sevdiğim insanlar orda , beni en çok destekleyen babam ve annem😘, kardeşlerim, akrabalarım,arkadaşlarım, ve Malezya'daki hayat kendisi, Malezya'nın güzel geniş mutfak,street foodler çok farklı başka yerde bulamam. Bu nasıl bir his ikiden fazla memleket olunca hepsine özel bir duygularım var .🇲🇾Malezya-🇹🇷Türkiye-🇪🇬Mısır . Üçu memleketim. Ama insan fark edecek ki birinci memleket yine de doğup büyüdüğümüz yer olur, benim ki de Malezya🇲🇾. Vakit su gibi akıyor inanılmaz Turkiye'de bu sene 8.yılım. Yani ben 7 seneden fazla Turkiye'de yaşıyorum! 1.sene TOMER + 7 sene Tıp. 1.sınıftayken bir sene uzattım o da bana bi kayıp olmaz çünkü çok şey öğrendim. Ben burda baya büyüdüm,her açıdan kendimi gelìştirdim. Gençlik boyunca yurtdışına çıkmak ne kadar güzel bir fırsat Allah'a şukur. Gercekten fırsatınız varsa kaçırmamak lazım. Nereye gidebileceğin yer varsa git, çık memleketten, gez dunyayı! Diller,kültür, herşey ,vaktimiz varsa öğrenmeyi çaba gösterelim inshallah

Mardin! Bandar Mesopotomia. My favourite city in Turkey

For those who wish to visit mardin, i can suggest few routes. 1) The easiest way is to take FLIGHT from Ankara it might cost 180-300tl one way. 2) The BUS journey which costs 100-140tl one way will take around 16 hours. id suggest Mardin Seyahat bus company . 3) If you wanna experience TRAIN journey, you can take Kurtalan Ekspress from Ankara to Diyarbakir .Enjoy 1 day at Diyarbakir . From Diyarbakir to Mardin ,dont take the bus ekspress from the main otogar as it will cost around 40tl. You can take minibus from ilçe otogar /district bus station and it costs only 17 lira +  takes less than 1.5 hour.  🐰There are lots of must visited places in Mardin. For me to cover Mardin you will need minimum 2 days. One day to cover the old city, one day to join the tour to the main monasteries + Midyat +Hasankeyf (Midyat Tour : +905412136303)  which costs around 100tl depends on number of tourists. 

Old Cities
- Zinciriye Medresesi
- Ulu Cami
- Mardin Muzesi (use muzekart)
-Kırklar Kilisesi
- Marangoz kahvehane

1 day tour
- Darul Zafaran
- Dara Antik Kent
- Beyaz Su -nusaybin

26 January 2020

Final Year Medical Degree!! Medical Internship at Turkey

It had been longg time since i updated my blog. I was writing a lot but couldnt manage to update on blog. Now i feel to share more knowledge with other friends out there 😊 In Turkey once we entered 6th year medical degree we are being called “ intörn” which means internee. But seeing the job scope and the routine its quite similar with the term Houseman@HO in Malaysia. Maybe there are still some works that Houseman do but we dont. Plus the Housemanship period is much longer compared to our onee year internship period. For example if in HO in Malaysia the Paediatric rotation is 3 months here in “intörnluk “ is 1.5year. We do get the allowance but since we are still considered as 6th year student its nothing much compared to HO. In Turkey once we finish the internship period we can directly enter the TUS medical specialization exams or work as GP. Its by choice. But most of thw students started preparing for TUS exams since 4th year as it does beneficial for our practical year 4&5th year. Some of the students registered at TUS tuition class such in TUS DATA, TUSEM, TUSTIME, TUSWORLD tuition centre . The fees for TUS tuitions are super expensive range betweek 12k- 20k Turkish Lira including the books, weekens classes, offline class etc I will share more about my routine as internee. So what are the advantages that we got once we entered internship? 1) We have the privilige to get the Intern Dr access card which can access easily to every wards.2) Our canteen is seperated from other students and got free lunch and dinner everyday including weekend. 3)We have special study rooms in Kare Çarşı and E9 block. 4) Intern allowance around 670 lira/months