It had been 6 days straight Israeli (IDF) had its attacked
on Gaza. Eventhough actually almost everyday people died in Palestine because
of their inhumanitary acts, but the societies seemed like didn’t hear anything
since the media had been blocked from releasing most of the news. I first heard
about the latest massive attack on Gaza last Wednesday, when I dropped down my Gazan friend’s profile on Facebook. I
had been told that the Israeli were planning to cut all the connections
including internet for the people in Gaza.They really don’t have the right to
do so! What a cruelness they had made!

During the class break, I immideately told my classmate from Gaza, Ghada about the news. She was very shocked and said ‘ how can I contact my family??’.She said 6 muslims were shaheed during the last explosions which were just located at the roadside ,nearby to her home .I told her my Gazan friend just told me it was 12, and more than 100 injured!. Ghada is the eldest from 5 siblings. Her parents and 4 younger brothers and sisters are living in Gaza, but I’m not sure in which part.She had her degree studies at AlQuds University, Jerusalem. I could feel what she was feeling , she just left Palestine a month ago for Turkey, for having jihad on her Master studies, and now,pity her, she must be very worried of her family whom she had just left .

After our Turkish lessons, she told me that she was going to Kizilay which located about 10 minutes from our TOMER centre to contact her family in Gaza, since there’s an only place that she knew to call her family in Gaza by using a telephone card. She said the last time she talked with her family was 2 days before that. But had able to talk for about one minute only because of the connections cutted.I think its not fair for her since I could contact my family for almost everyday and chatted for hours…huhu..She was absent on that evening class and also for the next day. I was veryyy worry because I still didn’t know her family’s conditions, and she didn’t came to school.I’m sure there must be something that’s so hard for her.When I was about to returned home, Alhamdulillah I saw her at the metro station. She was waiting for me to ask for that day homework.
Once I saw her, I asked her about her family’s conditions and Alhamdulillah she said that they are fine. They are now living in a room since the exploded places just surrounding them. Ghada said that she could heard the sound of explosions through the phone.I could imagine since I just watched videos of the explosions in the class.Just through the earphone my eardrum already vibrated! I couldn’t imagine if I’m in the real locations! I still vividly remembered the last Israel massive attacks on Gaza on 2008. I was just 14 at that time, everyday I read the news about the sad news.But before this I never had such feelings. I know that people being killed in Palestine but I just made du’a for them.But this time,I’m feeling so near to Palestine, not just because im living here in Turkey but because I do have my close friend who are now staying in Gaza! Within this week,almost every hours I open my Facebook to ensure he is online to know how his and his family conditions. He came to Turkey for a stuff about a month ago and we had planned to meet. Unfortunately ,we didn’t have the chances until he went back to Gaza about 2 weeks ago. I’m feeling terribly sad since he’s now truly in dangerous conditions.I don’t wanna lost my beloved friend since he had opened my mind about the Palestinian issues since long time ago.

Before the Israeli started the missiles on Gaza this week, I’ve asked him about how the condition in Gaza because of the media silence,I didn’t know the real facts happening there. He kept saying that the condition always in dangerous . Last Thursday, I got a message from him that he was in a veryyyyyyyy dangerous condition. And he asked me to keep praying for Gaza and asked me for forgiveness because he said he knew that he will leave. Tears can’t stop rolling down on my cheeks. Last Saturday night ,after a long waiting, I got a message from him saying that ‘its very dangerous. we are under attack, in my village, my streets’.Mixed feelings surrounded me thinking of the situations there and upcoming exams. I asked my friends to pray together for my friend and all people in Gaza. On Sunday morning, I saw the news that number of people being killed had increased to 45! I was thinking of my friend and his family after got the last message from him last night!! Alhamdulillah hours after that, I saw him appear online, means that he is still alive..I believe that Allah had arranged every single things and inşallah He will create a miracle towards Palestine!
During the class break, I immideately told my classmate from Gaza, Ghada about the news. She was very shocked and said ‘ how can I contact my family??’.She said 6 muslims were shaheed during the last explosions which were just located at the roadside ,nearby to her home .I told her my Gazan friend just told me it was 12, and more than 100 injured!. Ghada is the eldest from 5 siblings. Her parents and 4 younger brothers and sisters are living in Gaza, but I’m not sure in which part.She had her degree studies at AlQuds University, Jerusalem. I could feel what she was feeling , she just left Palestine a month ago for Turkey, for having jihad on her Master studies, and now,pity her, she must be very worried of her family whom she had just left .
After our Turkish lessons, she told me that she was going to Kizilay which located about 10 minutes from our TOMER centre to contact her family in Gaza, since there’s an only place that she knew to call her family in Gaza by using a telephone card. She said the last time she talked with her family was 2 days before that. But had able to talk for about one minute only because of the connections cutted.I think its not fair for her since I could contact my family for almost everyday and chatted for hours…huhu..She was absent on that evening class and also for the next day. I was veryyy worry because I still didn’t know her family’s conditions, and she didn’t came to school.I’m sure there must be something that’s so hard for her.When I was about to returned home, Alhamdulillah I saw her at the metro station. She was waiting for me to ask for that day homework.
Once I saw her, I asked her about her family’s conditions and Alhamdulillah she said that they are fine. They are now living in a room since the exploded places just surrounding them. Ghada said that she could heard the sound of explosions through the phone.I could imagine since I just watched videos of the explosions in the class.Just through the earphone my eardrum already vibrated! I couldn’t imagine if I’m in the real locations! I still vividly remembered the last Israel massive attacks on Gaza on 2008. I was just 14 at that time, everyday I read the news about the sad news.But before this I never had such feelings. I know that people being killed in Palestine but I just made du’a for them.But this time,I’m feeling so near to Palestine, not just because im living here in Turkey but because I do have my close friend who are now staying in Gaza! Within this week,almost every hours I open my Facebook to ensure he is online to know how his and his family conditions. He came to Turkey for a stuff about a month ago and we had planned to meet. Unfortunately ,we didn’t have the chances until he went back to Gaza about 2 weeks ago. I’m feeling terribly sad since he’s now truly in dangerous conditions.I don’t wanna lost my beloved friend since he had opened my mind about the Palestinian issues since long time ago.
Before the Israeli started the missiles on Gaza this week, I’ve asked him about how the condition in Gaza because of the media silence,I didn’t know the real facts happening there. He kept saying that the condition always in dangerous . Last Thursday, I got a message from him that he was in a veryyyyyyyy dangerous condition. And he asked me to keep praying for Gaza and asked me for forgiveness because he said he knew that he will leave. Tears can’t stop rolling down on my cheeks. Last Saturday night ,after a long waiting, I got a message from him saying that ‘its very dangerous. we are under attack, in my village, my streets’.Mixed feelings surrounded me thinking of the situations there and upcoming exams. I asked my friends to pray together for my friend and all people in Gaza. On Sunday morning, I saw the news that number of people being killed had increased to 45! I was thinking of my friend and his family after got the last message from him last night!! Alhamdulillah hours after that, I saw him appear online, means that he is still alive..I believe that Allah had arranged every single things and inşallah He will create a miracle towards Palestine!
I still remember I had an Israeli
friend in a penpal site which I had joined since I was just 9. I don’t remember
her name but her nickname is something like ‘ even yehuda’. She’s from Haifa if
im not mistaken. We were not too close but we had talked before , sharing our
similar teenager interests. Years later, I didn’t seen her appear much on that
side.Until last year, I saw her profile back. I was very shocked when I saw her
writings on her profile that she had joined the Israel Defence Force (IDF). I
always heard about IDF before after the attacks on Gaza. But I haven’t heard
that women also took part. In her posts, she was saying that she was very proud
of her country, Israel, which one of the most powerful countries in the world,
the modern nuclear technologies and whatsoever! There were some men in the sites
who kept debating with her about the issue and she kept defending her ‘beloved’
country.She seemed had a verryyyy strong spirits of her country. Until now, I
had lost contact with her since im sure she had removed me from her friend
list.I don’t feel sad even a bit! But I’m trying to search for her profile back
to see the notes posted by her regarding the issues.

Last Saturday, as usual I kept
reading about the latest news about Gaza in Gaza TV News page in Facebook. And
also several pages such Team Palestina, Press TV and Harry Fear. Harry Fear is
a British activist and journalist who are currently in Gaza for reporting news.
I listened to his recorded audios by this week about the situations there.
Sometimes he appeared online , and also kept saying about the poor internet
connection there. Last Friday night he posted a video of him in the CrossWalk
show , where he debated with the Jews(I don’t remember who was him) in
Washington and another person in New York.

Harry kept defending the Palestinians and said that the Israeli had killed innocents civilians including the women and kid . He said he did talk to a Gazan whom said ‘I’m willing to invite the Israeli to stay in my house if they stop the attack Gaza ’. He never agreed with the Jews man who said that Israel trying to get the peace and complained about the Hamas ‘extremists’ who had their LITTLE handmade missiles towards Tel Aviv .Israel don’t want the peace, but they just wanna get the title ‘Great Israel’ by conquering some of middle east countries after they reach their goal to conquer Gaza! Harry knows that they are trying to defence themselves after the Israeli had their attacked on Palestine since looooong time ago starting from 1948 (Nakbah). May Allah protect him from the attacks for being soooo kind and guide him to the right path. He has a lot of supporters in Facebook who keep praying for him .Maşallah.
Harry kept defending the Palestinians and said that the Israeli had killed innocents civilians including the women and kid . He said he did talk to a Gazan whom said ‘I’m willing to invite the Israeli to stay in my house if they stop the attack Gaza ’. He never agreed with the Jews man who said that Israel trying to get the peace and complained about the Hamas ‘extremists’ who had their LITTLE handmade missiles towards Tel Aviv .Israel don’t want the peace, but they just wanna get the title ‘Great Israel’ by conquering some of middle east countries after they reach their goal to conquer Gaza! Harry knows that they are trying to defence themselves after the Israeli had their attacked on Palestine since looooong time ago starting from 1948 (Nakbah). May Allah protect him from the attacks for being soooo kind and guide him to the right path. He has a lot of supporters in Facebook who keep praying for him .Maşallah.
Last Sunday morning, I saw a post on my Gazan
friend’s profile. It was a 20 seconds video which took LIVE by him . A building
which just located about 300 meters from his locations exploded due to the
airstrikes fell. It was a veryyyyy loud explosions. And sounds of people
talking something in Arabic which I could hardly understand could be heard.
I just saw a post which was posted about 7
minutes before in the TV News page. Until now, (Monday.,9 am) the death toll
has risen to 90 and about 700 injured including 6 journalist whom one of them
had lost his one leg. Nau’dzubillah…
Let us never stop praying for our brothers and
sisters in Gaza, and also Syria because a du’a may cause a change even a
little. Keep believing of His power. Eventhough we feel we are living far from
them, and we don’t feel much what they are feeling, we couldn’t be ignorant by
not making dua for them since they are still part of our family members since
we are living in the same world!
Its not only because of the religion issues,
but also the Human Right issues!
I admit I’m not a good writer but I’m just
trying to expose what are currently rounding in my mind and inşallah it might
benefits others. Teşekkurler,
Assalamu alaikom.
Assalamualaikum... I just want to say, a really touching and in the same time inspiring 'story' for us, Muslims. I agree with you that the best thing we can do is pray for their safety there. We have the strongest weapon which is, pure du'a :)