Saturday, 16 January 2021

I got COVID vaccine shot



Alhamdulillah got my  first dose of COVID-19 vaccine today (CoronaVac by Sinovac company)

COVID Vaccination in Turkey started last Thursday and so far it hasn't opened yet for public as it's  being prioritized for the health workers. 

I love how e-Devlet / e-government  system here works where we can follow up our information including student details, insurance,    and linked to  E-nabiz system  to check our past health records. For Turkish citizens who are wondering about family roots and genealogy in past centuries they can even check their family roots  through their surname. (Correct me if I'm wrong) . it's amazing


I took my vaccine appointment through E-nabiz system ,within a day you can get vaccinated😊 


I'll write more about the procedures once it's being opened for public