It had been a while since i left my dusty blog without any new posts. i keep writing actually but just feel lazy to post my writings here. actually i wrote this new post when i first had my first year in medical school (+ edited). yeah. the fact is it has been almost a year and not need to get surprise if i say im still in a first year. again? yeah again. it was the toughest stuff to be accepted. it was painful. but remember. let bygone be bygone. i started new life with new spirit and insallah for this time evrything will go smoothly.
"Say:Travel in the earth and see how He makes the first creation,then Allah creates the latter creation,surely Allah has power over all things" Al-ankabut:20
"Travelling brings the culture and the picture of the people and lands very near to anyone and a person not only learns and verifies what he has already gathered about these places and people from books but he has also chance learning many other important and FIRST-HAND things which he would never learnt from his books.One picks up a foreign language (turkish ) in a short time by actually residing within a country which is foreign and when one picks this foreign labguage one also does so very accurately which no grammar on the language could ever teach anyone"
It is through travelling that I come in touch with the different people of unknown lands or region,from different'planets',colourful backgrounds, really make me learn the things that my own region does not provide or has the means or opportunity of providing.people keep asking whether is it hard to stay billion miles away from family etc. yeah it is hard. eventhough sometimes i do feel homesick and feel like wanna go home NOW! but vallah without realizing im getting used to it. fassobrul jameel. patient is good. sucessful wont come without having patience. people even ask. "why dont you just pursue study in your own country? is the education there not good enough compared to education system here in Turkey? " noooo seriously i admitted that education system in Malaysia is good enough. and even foreign students keep coming to Malaysia for education.but im not saying its better in all field. some people who know the quality of education in Malaysia will say "if i were you i will stay study there" . but i do believe Allah sent me here for a reason. If Allah loves a people He puts them to trial He tests them and places them in difficulty
"There are many courses of studies which deal thoroughly of foreign land,language and people.But theoretical knowledge is always insufficient and only when this theoretical knowledge is supplemented by a practical knowledge and experience,the former attains fulfilment. Seeing is believing,one may read and may also commit to memory about the people and countries of distant places situated all over the world, but unless one has the fortune of going out to these countries and sees for oneself the things that one has read with one's own eyes"
"One has to spread out ,move out alone among the strangers ,find out the fortunes of varying natures and conditions which make them realise that there are all types of sitiations in this world just as there are so many types of customs and regulations.After one has travelled far and wide ,one is sure to find so many contradictory customs and habits of the people in all sorts of lands,climates and geographical and natural conditions that one learns not to pass a judgement on anything easily"
Just today i had a conversation with my friend from Acheh,Indonesia. Just imagine in this Gazi Medical Faculty here in Ankara, there are only a little girl from Malaysia n a little girl from Indonesia,which are both of us.there is no other students even boys who are coming from the same country. and seems we are the only from South east asian countries (owh ya. i met a 6th year senior from Myanmar) based on my observations most of the foreign students here are from Afghanistan (the highest population i guess :p) ,Azerbaijan,Iran,Saudi Arabia,Palestine ,Lubnan,Libya and there are also a classmate from Greece (turk). on"
"Sometimes life-long friendships are established with foreigners and interchange of views brings and opens the vistas many other interchanges,cultural,social,political and so on"
Im studying in fully turkish lessons class while my Aceh friend are studying in which lessons conducted in english. English? wow seems luckyy. but waitt. for readers' informations,generally here in Turkey , they do said lectures are conducting in English, but never put 100% hope on it since you will see some lecturers still explain lessons in Turkish language which make you mouth shaped 'O'. thats normal situations confronted by foreigner students who are studying in English medical class.
Eventhough im from turkish class,sometimes if i do have extra times i do participate in English medical lessons or refer their slides for better understanding since the notes are fully in English. Eventhough both of me and Wanti already can communicate in Turkish,(and even sometimes speak little Turkish to each other instead of speaking bahasa :p) we still confronting problems with our lessons. but i think this friend confronted bigger challenges when she was in first year as when i was attending TOMER,which is Turkish Preparation Course for 8 months,she already started her 1st year medicine in that class instead of attending TOMER since at that time there was new rule by goverment scholarship which saying that those who are going to have lessons in english no need to attend TOMER but must submit TOMER certificate within 2 years. you cant imagine when you first attend that medical lessons with only little Turkish basic,then the lecturers explained everything in Turkish,you just rely on your English Notes to pass the exams. then you need to learn Turkish language by yourself in order to submit that certificate and pay the language exams fee by your own! thats what my friend was confronting! now i realized even i keep saying im having difficulties with medical lessons here,bla bla bla::: still what my friend had experienced might be tougher than i what i had. at least i had 8 months turkish preparation course and attended medical lessons fully in turkish with turkish language on mind.yeah it still difficult. but if put all the laziness away and what we call in turkish,"bahaneler" means smthg that just to distract,insallah i could be successful student aminnn.
but yeaah. its scary you know when you heard last 2 years there were about 80 students who had failed on first year studies and need to repeat their whole first year study. and out of 30 foreign students there, less than 8 who had passed and the rest who failed were turkish(and now i felt what they felt )and the foreign students who passed last year were those who repeated in previous year. Allah korusun. May Allah protect us.
There is no doubt how tough medical field is and its getting tougher to learn medicine in this foreign language . actually not only for medicine! dont think your course is the toughest compared to others! its normal for foreign students as i mentioned. after had conversation with my Malaysian friends who are studying in Spain and South Korea, i realized that im not the only one who are in such trouble. they do having lessons fully in spanish+catalonian ,and Korean language (future engineers)
Back to Gazi Tip ,for first year students there are 3 different classes,an english conducting class and 2 turkish conducting class. since last year the quota for first year students are 'exploded',they divided turkish classes into two group A n B. in my class there are about 280 students and less than 10 are foreign students i guess. sometimes i couldnt even detect who are foreigners and who are Turkish. because as i heard there are some students from Azerbaijan and they are already Turk and speak almost similar language with Turkish so we didnt count them as foreigner other foreign that i know are Afghans,palestinian, the other foreign students are in english class (this year there are a lott arab students from KSA). sometimes we do have same labarotary lessons with students who are in english class. and that made me feel whaaat, i wanna join other foreign students theree. the teachers just explaining to thdm in english in another table next to us. but in order to get used to turkish terms, i stayed with other turkish students.alone.::: i do feel special at the same time
i realized last year i had problem in adapting myself in the class ,lessons. maybe other foreign students feel the same. this is always happen. once the lessons started i started feeling sleepy and sluggish because my mind couldnt accept the teaching is trying to convey.sometimes i shouted to myself "how i wish my mother tongue is turkish! i wish i dont feel the gaps being a foreigner!i wish no one realize that im a foreigner! and i wish evryone treat me like other student,not as a foreign student!i wish im a cheerful girl who can make evryone smile! i wish and i wish..."that was things that keep disturbing mee.poor girl. now im changed inshallah. whatever it is i must continue this jihad. learn from pst mistakes.
"The greater the hardship The greater the reward.the greater the difficulty,trial or tribulation the greater the reward will be for us from Allah."
before this when i was back in homeland i always wanted to be in this condition.,i mean experience live as a foreign student in an alien land. but its not that easy when the time come for you to adapt with evryone,surrounding. . when i was in school,people regarded me as a "silent student" since i wasnt that talkative. until now. but if people know me (family besties )well they know that ...hmm this girl is quite talkative :)sometimes if i dont have something necessary things to talk about i do keep silent. until many people always ask me" why dont you talk. why dont you laugh" the blurred moment when teachers and students were laughing in class because teached make joke and you keep silent and dont even smile for me there is nothing . maybe because i have problems due to language barrier. when i was in TOMER alhamdulillah evrything was fine. seriously i could adapt with evryone well alhamdulillah .maybe because the surroundings are different. everyone there were foreign student like me,so we didnt feel gaps between us much except when any of us speak turkish better than others.just a small competition not like now i have to compete with hundreds of Turkish students . but there is nothing impossible as long as we put 100% trust on Allah,put effort ,confident and tawakkal. thats the only secrets.
Evryone will confront moments of grief,moments of sadness,moments when things are not as they feel or would like to be.But the difference is patient,the believer believes in the decree of Allah,the believer seeks the reward of Allah (subhana wa ta3ala) at that time
5 January 2015
Gazi Tip Kare Carsi
beginning of a snowy dayyy
-9 celcius
It had been a while since i left my dusty blog without any new posts. i keep writing actually but just feel lazy to post my writings here. actually i wrote this new post when i first had my first year in medical school (+ edited). yeah. the fact is it has been almost a year and not need to get surprise if i say im still in a first year. again? yeah again. it was the toughest stuff to be accepted. it was painful. but remember. let bygone be bygone. i started new life with new spirit and insallah for this time evrything will go smoothly.
"Say:Travel in the earth and see how He makes the first creation,then Allah creates the latter creation,surely Allah has power over all things" Al-ankabut:20
"Travelling brings the culture and the picture of the people and lands very near to anyone and a person not only learns and verifies what he has already gathered about these places and people from books but he has also chance learning many other important and FIRST-HAND things which he would never learnt from his books.One picks up a foreign language (turkish ) in a short time by actually residing within a country which is foreign and when one picks this foreign labguage one also does so very accurately which no grammar on the language could ever teach anyone"
It is through travelling that I come in touch with the different people of unknown lands or region,from different'planets',colourful backgrounds, really make me learn the things that my own region does not provide or has the means or opportunity of providing.people keep asking whether is it hard to stay billion miles away from family etc. yeah it is hard. eventhough sometimes i do feel homesick and feel like wanna go home NOW! but vallah without realizing im getting used to it. fassobrul jameel. patient is good. sucessful wont come without having patience. people even ask. "why dont you just pursue study in your own country? is the education there not good enough compared to education system here in Turkey? " noooo seriously i admitted that education system in Malaysia is good enough. and even foreign students keep coming to Malaysia for education.but im not saying its better in all field. some people who know the quality of education in Malaysia will say "if i were you i will stay study there" . but i do believe Allah sent me here for a reason. If Allah loves a people He puts them to trial He tests them and places them in difficulty
"There are many courses of studies which deal thoroughly of foreign land,language and people.But theoretical knowledge is always insufficient and only when this theoretical knowledge is supplemented by a practical knowledge and experience,the former attains fulfilment. Seeing is believing,one may read and may also commit to memory about the people and countries of distant places situated all over the world, but unless one has the fortune of going out to these countries and sees for oneself the things that one has read with one's own eyes"
"One has to spread out ,move out alone among the strangers ,find out the fortunes of varying natures and conditions which make them realise that there are all types of sitiations in this world just as there are so many types of customs and regulations.After one has travelled far and wide ,one is sure to find so many contradictory customs and habits of the people in all sorts of lands,climates and geographical and natural conditions that one learns not to pass a judgement on anything easily"
Just today i had a conversation with my friend from Acheh,Indonesia. Just imagine in this Gazi Medical Faculty here in Ankara, there are only a little girl from Malaysia n a little girl from Indonesia,which are both of us.there is no other students even boys who are coming from the same country. and seems we are the only from South east asian countries (owh ya. i met a 6th year senior from Myanmar) based on my observations most of the foreign students here are from Afghanistan (the highest population i guess :p) ,Azerbaijan,Iran,Saudi Arabia,Palestine ,Lubnan,Libya and there are also a classmate from Greece (turk). on"
"Sometimes life-long friendships are established with foreigners and interchange of views brings and opens the vistas many other interchanges,cultural,social,political and so on"
Im studying in fully turkish lessons class while my Aceh friend are studying in which lessons conducted in english. English? wow seems luckyy. but waitt. for readers' informations,generally here in Turkey , they do said lectures are conducting in English, but never put 100% hope on it since you will see some lecturers still explain lessons in Turkish language which make you mouth shaped 'O'. thats normal situations confronted by foreigner students who are studying in English medical class.
Eventhough im from turkish class,sometimes if i do have extra times i do participate in English medical lessons or refer their slides for better understanding since the notes are fully in English. Eventhough both of me and Wanti already can communicate in Turkish,(and even sometimes speak little Turkish to each other instead of speaking bahasa :p) we still confronting problems with our lessons. but i think this friend confronted bigger challenges when she was in first year as when i was attending TOMER,which is Turkish Preparation Course for 8 months,she already started her 1st year medicine in that class instead of attending TOMER since at that time there was new rule by goverment scholarship which saying that those who are going to have lessons in english no need to attend TOMER but must submit TOMER certificate within 2 years. you cant imagine when you first attend that medical lessons with only little Turkish basic,then the lecturers explained everything in Turkish,you just rely on your English Notes to pass the exams. then you need to learn Turkish language by yourself in order to submit that certificate and pay the language exams fee by your own! thats what my friend was confronting! now i realized even i keep saying im having difficulties with medical lessons here,bla bla bla::: still what my friend had experienced might be tougher than i what i had. at least i had 8 months turkish preparation course and attended medical lessons fully in turkish with turkish language on mind.yeah it still difficult. but if put all the laziness away and what we call in turkish,"bahaneler" means smthg that just to distract,insallah i could be successful student aminnn.
but yeaah. its scary you know when you heard last 2 years there were about 80 students who had failed on first year studies and need to repeat their whole first year study. and out of 30 foreign students there, less than 8 who had passed and the rest who failed were turkish(and now i felt what they felt )and the foreign students who passed last year were those who repeated in previous year. Allah korusun. May Allah protect us.
There is no doubt how tough medical field is and its getting tougher to learn medicine in this foreign language . actually not only for medicine! dont think your course is the toughest compared to others! its normal for foreign students as i mentioned. after had conversation with my Malaysian friends who are studying in Spain and South Korea, i realized that im not the only one who are in such trouble. they do having lessons fully in spanish+catalonian ,and Korean language (future engineers)
Back to Gazi Tip ,for first year students there are 3 different classes,an english conducting class and 2 turkish conducting class. since last year the quota for first year students are 'exploded',they divided turkish classes into two group A n B. in my class there are about 280 students and less than 10 are foreign students i guess. sometimes i couldnt even detect who are foreigners and who are Turkish. because as i heard there are some students from Azerbaijan and they are already Turk and speak almost similar language with Turkish so we didnt count them as foreigner other foreign that i know are Afghans,palestinian, the other foreign students are in english class (this year there are a lott arab students from KSA). sometimes we do have same labarotary lessons with students who are in english class. and that made me feel whaaat, i wanna join other foreign students theree. the teachers just explaining to thdm in english in another table next to us. but in order to get used to turkish terms, i stayed with other turkish students.alone.::: i do feel special at the same time
i realized last year i had problem in adapting myself in the class ,lessons. maybe other foreign students feel the same. this is always happen. once the lessons started i started feeling sleepy and sluggish because my mind couldnt accept the teaching is trying to convey.sometimes i shouted to myself "how i wish my mother tongue is turkish! i wish i dont feel the gaps being a foreigner!i wish no one realize that im a foreigner! and i wish evryone treat me like other student,not as a foreign student!i wish im a cheerful girl who can make evryone smile! i wish and i wish..."that was things that keep disturbing mee.poor girl. now im changed inshallah. whatever it is i must continue this jihad. learn from pst mistakes.
"The greater the hardship The greater the reward.the greater the difficulty,trial or tribulation the greater the reward will be for us from Allah."
before this when i was back in homeland i always wanted to be in this condition.,i mean experience live as a foreign student in an alien land. but its not that easy when the time come for you to adapt with evryone,surrounding. . when i was in school,people regarded me as a "silent student" since i wasnt that talkative. until now. but if people know me (family besties )well they know that ...hmm this girl is quite talkative :)sometimes if i dont have something necessary things to talk about i do keep silent. until many people always ask me" why dont you talk. why dont you laugh" the blurred moment when teachers and students were laughing in class because teached make joke and you keep silent and dont even smile for me there is nothing . maybe because i have problems due to language barrier. when i was in TOMER alhamdulillah evrything was fine. seriously i could adapt with evryone well alhamdulillah .maybe because the surroundings are different. everyone there were foreign student like me,so we didnt feel gaps between us much except when any of us speak turkish better than others.just a small competition not like now i have to compete with hundreds of Turkish students . but there is nothing impossible as long as we put 100% trust on Allah,put effort ,confident and tawakkal. thats the only secrets.
Evryone will confront moments of grief,moments of sadness,moments when things are not as they feel or would like to be.But the difference is patient,the believer believes in the decree of Allah,the believer seeks the reward of Allah (subhana wa ta3ala) at that time
5 January 2015
Gazi Tip Kare Carsi
beginning of a snowy dayyy
-9 celcius